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People Pleasers Anonymous
Welcome to People Pleasers Anonymous! (5:44)
Program Overview (5:23)
Phase 1: Course Prep
Session 1: Baseline + Intro (8:19)
Session 2: Deep Dive into Self (41:26)
Session 3: Intentions & Goals (8:25)
Session 4: Setting Intentions & Goals (24:59)
Session 5: Tapping into higher-self (17:12)
Phase 2: Mindset Makeover
Session 6: Foundations of the mind (21:14)
Session 7: Tricks The Mind Plays On You (21:08)
Session 8: Overcoming Negative Self-Talk
Session 9: Identifying Limiting Beliefs (awareness based)
Sesson 10: Eliminating Limiting Beliefs (action based)
Phase 3: Foundations of a Happy Life
Session 11: Happiness
Session 12: Gratitude
Session 13: Savoring
Session 14: Living In Alignment
Session 15: Social Connection
Phase 4: The End To People Pleasing
Session 16: Aligned Self-Confidence
Session 17: Boosting Self-Worth & Self-Love
Session 18: Strengthen Intuitive Voice
Session 19: Saying "No" & Setting Boundaries
Session 20: Authentic Relationships
Phase 5: Finding Your Zen
Session 21: Developing A Meditation Practice That's Right For YOU
Session 22: Mindfulness & Detached Mindfulness
Session 23: Connection With Self
Session 24: Inner Child Work & Healing
Session 25: The Multidimensional Self
Session 26: Closing Ceremony
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW of Aligned Abundance course
Module 1: Energy 101
Module 2: Manifestation 101
Module 3: Stepping Into Your Abundance
Module 4: Stepping Into Your Higher Self
Module 5: Plant Medicine
Module 4: Stepping Into Your Higher Self
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